AccueilBienvenueWelcome to the Website of the Universal Italian Alliance

Welcome to the Website of the Universal Italian Alliance

A space where the past meets the present to shape our common future.

Our Commitment to Heritage

We are firmly committed to achieving two major goals that resonate deeply with Italy’s identity and history: the construction of a memorial in Rome dedicated to Italian emigration and the establishment of a world day dedicated to this legacy.

August 14: Symbol of Dedication

August 14, a carefully chosen date, becomes a symbol of our dedication to our history and heritage. During this period of “Ferragosto”, members of the Italian diaspora have the opportunity to return to Italy to reconnect with their roots and celebrate their ancestors in the land where they were born.

It is a time when all Italians, wherever they are in the world, can gather in thought around the Rome Memorial. This day is an invitation to collectively honor our ancestors and perpetuate their memory.

Linking History and Tradition

The close link between August 14 and August 15, the feast of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, reinforces the significance of our approach. Italy is the Mother Earth of our ancestors, a bond that transcends time and space.

Symbolism of Unity

This connection between the World Day of Remembrance of Italian Emigration and the religious festival underlines the importance of our heritage and identity. The symbol of this day is the White Rose, every Italian will be able to express their belonging to this great world movement with this symbol.

The memorial and the World Day are tributes to the millions of women and men who left everything behind to provide a better life for their families. This memorial, erected on the land of Italy, symbolically allows those who rest far from home to return to sleep in the land of their childhood.

Perpetuating Courage and Contribution

By erecting this place of remembrance and establishing this day of recognition, we are perpetuating the memory of the courage and valuable contribution of our ancestors. We honor their legacy and sacrifice, and are committed to inspiring future generations to value and preserve our rich heritage.

Join Us in Honoring Our Legacy

Join us in this noble endeavor. Together, let’s honor the past, celebrate the present, and build the future.

With gratitude and determination, The team of the Alliance Italienne Universelle